
Relevancia de los datos para la vigilancia epidemiológica en la era de las nuevas tecnologías. Horizonte de enfermería
Taramasco C, Rimassa C, Lagos Garrido M, Figueroa R.

A Technological Framework to Support Asthma Patient Adherence Using Pictograms
Figueroa R, Taramasco C, Lagos ME, Martínez F, Rimassa C, Godoy J, Pino E, Navarrete J, Pinto J, Nazar G, Pérez C, Herrera D.

How effective are mobile apps in managing people with type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic literature review protocol
Carla Taramasco, Carla Rimassa, María Elena Lagos Garrido, Rosa L. Figueroa

Effects on Quality of Life of a Telemonitoring Platform amongst Patients with Cancer (EQUALITE): A Randomized Trial Protocol
Felipe Martínez, Carla Taramasco, Manuel Espinoza, Johanna Acevedo, Carolina Goic, Bruno Nervi

Differential Effects of a Telemonitoring Platform in the Development of Chemotherapy-Associated Toxicity: A Randomized Trial Protocol
Felipe Martínez, Carla Taramasco, Manuel Espinoza, Johanna Acevedo, Carolina Goic, Bruno Nervi

Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Classifying and Balancing Data on an Unbalanced Mini-Mental State Examination Test Data Collection Applied in Chile
Pablo Ormeño; Gastón Márquez; Carla Taramasco

Desafíos en la vigilancia de todos los casos de cáncer en Chile: Registro Nacional de Cáncer
Carla Taramasco, Carla Rimassa, Johana Acevedo

Architectural Tactics in Software Architecture: A Systematic Mapping Study
Márquez, Gastón; Astudillo, Hernán; Kazman, Rick.

A Physician's Perspective on the Incorporation of Pictograms as a Supplement to Medical Instructions in Chile: A Pilot Study
R. Figueroa, C. Taramasco, C. Flores, L. Ortiz, C. Vásquez-Venegas, P. Salas, Q. Zeng-Treilter

Effects of internet-based telemonitoring platforms on the quality of life of oncologic patients: A systematic literature review protocol
Martínez, Felipe; Catalina, Tobar; Taramasco, Carla.

Design of an Electronic Health Record for Treating and Monitoring Oncology Patients in Chile
Taramasco, Carla; Rivera, Diego; Guerrero, Camilo; Márquez, Gastón.

Co-design of a mobile application for engaging breast cancer patients into reporting health experiences: Qualitative case study
Taramasco, Carla; Rimassa, Carla; Nöel, René.

Sistema EPIVIGILA y enfermedades de notificación obligatoria: fortaleza de los datos en vigilancia epidemiológica
Taramasco Toro, Carla Andrea ; Rimassa Vásquez, Carla Giovanna.

Architecture Assessment of the Chilean Epidemiological Surveillance System for Notifiable Diseases (EPIVIGILA): Qualitative Study
Taramasco Toro, Carla Andrea ; Rimassa Vásquez, Carla Giovanna.

Barriers and Facilitators of Ambient Assisted Living Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
Taramasco, Carla; Márquez, Gastón.

Global Pain and Aging: A Cross-Sectional Study on Age Differences in the Intensity of Chronic Pain Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in 20 Countries
Calvo, Esteban; Cordova, Cynthia; Shura, Robin; Allel, Kasim; Castillo-Carniglia, Alvaro; Keyes, Katherine M.; Mauro, Christine; Mauro, Pia M.; Medina, Jose T.; Mielenz, Thelma; Taramasco, Carla; Martins, Silvia S.

Improvement in Quality of Life with Use of Ambient-Assisted Living: Clinical Trial with Older Persons in the Chilean Population
Taramasco, Carla; Rimassa, Carla; Martinez, Felipe

Machine Learning models for severity classification and length-of-stay forecasting in emergency units
Moya-Carvajal, Jonathan; Perez-Galarce, Francisco; Taramasco, Carla; Astudillo, Cesar A.; Candia-Vejar, Alfredo

SEMGROMI—a semantic grouping algorithm to identifying microservices using semantic similarity of user stories
Vera-Rivera, Fredy H.; Cuadros, Eduard Gilberto Puerto; Perez, Boris; Astudillo, Hernan; Gaona, Carlos

Towards Resolving Security Smells in Microservices, Model-Driven (Accepted for Publication)
Wizenty, Ponce, Rademacher, Soldan, Astudillo, Brogi, Sachweh

Vigilancia epidemiológica en pandemia de COVID-19: Sistema EPIVIGILA
Taramasco Toro, Carla Andrea ; Rimassa Vásquez, Carla Giovanna.

Implementation experience of an informatic system for the management of hospital beds
Guerrero-Nancuante, Camilo; Taramasco, Carla; Armstrong-Barea, Lucy

Real-time Gait Pattern Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks
D. Robles; M. Benchekroun; A. Lira; C. Taramasco; V. Zalc; I. Irazzoky; D. Istrate

Standards, Processes, and Tools Used to Evaluate the Quality of Health Information Systems: Systematic Literature Review
Noel, Rene; Taramasco, Carla; Marquez, Gaston

Using Low-Resolution Non-Invasive Infrared Sensors to Classify Activities and Falls in Older Adults
Marquez, Gaston; Veloz, Alejandro; Minonzio, Jean-Gabriel; Reyes, Claudio; Calvo, Esteban; Taramasco, Carla

Sensitivity and Specificity of Patient-Reported Clinical Manifestations to Diagnose COVID-19 in Adults from a National Database in Chile: A Cross-Sectional Study
Martinez, Felipe; Munoz, Sergio; Guerrero-Nancuante, Camilo; Taramasco, Carla

Supervised Learning Algorithm for Predicting Mortality Risk in Older Adults Using Cardiovascular Health Study Dataset
Paul Navarrete, Jean; Pinto, Jose; Liliana Figueroa, Rosa; Elena Lagos, Maria; Zeng, Qing; Taramasco, Carla

A Step Forward to Formalize Tailored to Problem Specificity Mathematical Transforms
Glaria, Antonio; Salas, Rodrigo; Chabert, Steren; Roncagliolo, Pablo; Arriola, Alexis; Tapia, Gonzalo; Salinas, Matias; Zepeda, Herman; Taramasco, Carla; Oshinubi, Kayode; Demongeot, Jacques

Classification of Center of Mass Acceleration Patterns in Older People with Knee Osteoarthritis and Fear of Falling
Gonzalez-Olguin, Arturo; Ramos Rodriguez, Diego; Higueras Cordoba, Francisco; Martinez Rebolledo, Luis; Taramasco, Carla; Robles Cruz, Diego

Detection of COVID-19 Patients Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Nationwide Chilean Study
Ormeno, Pablo; Marquez, Gaston; Guerrero-Nancuante, Camilo; Taramasco, Carla

Vigilancia epidemiológica en pandemia de COVID-19: Sistema EPIVIGILA
Taramasco, Carla; Rimassa, Carla; Romo, Johana Acevedo; Zavando, Adolfo Cesped; Bravo, Rodrigo Fuentes